An article in the print edition of The Sunday Times talks about how serious gamers never die, they only become casual gamers.
I sort of agree. I am what you would call a serious gamer in my youth. I remember playing Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2 and Dune 2 for hours on end, until my monitor burnt out. Then we had a modem, and it is BBS door games like Barren Realms Elite (aka B.R.E.) and Legend of the Red Dragon (aka LORD). And when the Internet came into the picture, I was caught up in MUDs (with the Forgotten Kingdoms being the one that I liked most, and spent most of my time on). Then we had The Sims. After which things sort of die down, because of studies, work and life. So I sort of became the casual gamer, playing simple online games like Runescape and the occasional Neverwinter Nights. I tried dabbling in World of Warcraft but gave it up because it was taking up too much of my time. Nowadays, I spend my free time reliving the good old days, with old games like Daggerfall and even Sword of the Samurai (which in my heart can never be replaced by Shogun: Total War).
Are you a serious gamer turned casual gamer? Care to share what games you play now?
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