Friday, November 15, 2024

Calligraphy piece 亲爱忠诚

My alma mater's motto is 亲爱忠诚, and there was once a plan to write each character and give it to the school every decade after graduation. The first one written was the character 亲. However, I kind of missed the second decade, and I didn't know if I will remember the fourth decade, or if I would even be around then, so I decided to write all four characters and give it as a present from the class to the school.

This is the piece that will be presented to the school. (size: hansetsu 半切 aka 35 cm by 135 cm)

My former classmate who is helping me to frame up the above piece also wanted something for himself. In the end, I passed this to him.
Update 23 November 2024: It has been framed.

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