Monday, June 17, 2024

Final leg

There is an art exhibition held by the prefecture (Kanagawa Art Exhibition, or 神奈川県美術展) this coming September. It accepts submissions from the public, and there is a calligraphy category. This was outside my plan, which was the two national level exhibitions (already submitted. awaiting results) and the one by my own calligraphy association at the end of the year, but I decided I would try to send in something too.

The submission deadline is in early July, but unlike the national level exhibitions, where pieces are submitted unframed, judged, and only framed if accepted, for the prefecture's exhibition (actually, this exhibition accepts pieces nationwide across Japan too, but it is being organised by the prefecture), pieces need to be submitted framed. So I have to find a store that will help me frame it, then transport it to the exhibition hall on the days they are accepting submissions. Which also means the actual "deadline" is somewhere this week, since it takes time to frame the piece.

I have reached the final stage, practising and practising, and choosing the better ones. Now, all that remains is to select the piece for submission from among the candidates I have narrowed down. 🤔

Update: Submitted this evening.

Update 11 July 2024: I received notification that my submission was not accepted. 😢
By the way, this was the piece submitted.
Try again next year, I guess.

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