Monday, April 29, 2024

Excerpt of Cao Cao's 短歌行

I used an excerpt of Cao Cao's 短歌行 for the piece that I submitted for an exhibition (Mainichi Shodo Exhibition), on 二六尺 (60cm x 180cm) paper. Given that another exhibition had a deadline around the same time, I thought I would just use the same phrase, but write it on a different paper size (aka a different layout), using 全紙 (69cm x 138cm) size paper. However, in the end, I decided to use a different phrase for this other exhibition (Sankei International "Sho" Exhibition), writing an excerpt from Li Qingzhao's 武陵春 instead.

Still, I did quite a bit of practice using the excerpt of Cao Cao's 短歌行 on 全紙 paper, so I thought I would share two examples.


Next is to think about what to write for the next few months, before I start preparing for the exhibition at the end of the year.

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