Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Poor translations can lead to the wrong impressions

It is poorly translated articles like this that makes it look like Japanese pilots and ATCs are not professional.
This is a screenshot of the relevant portion.
The ATC did not say "no obstruction to landing on runway 34R" or "Please drive on the ground to the runway stop position C5." as stated in the news article above. The transcript given out to reporters at the press conference was in English, with tentative Japanese translations that read "滑走路34R着陸支障なし" and "C5上の滑走路停止位置まで地上走行してください". Instead of using the original English transcript, Asahi Shimbun had to try and translate the tentative Japanese text into English again, and the translation into English was poorly done without using the proper aviation terms.
In the end, a person reading this news report would think Japanese pilots and ATCs don't use professional aviation terms and form an image that this lack of professionalism was the cause of miscommunication leading to this accident. Yet the only miscommunication here was the poor and unprofessional work of a newspaper.

On the other hand, NHK probably did a better job quoting from the transcript.

In the NHK article, the quotes seem to come directly from the transcript. Such as "JAL 516 Runway 34R cleared to land, wind 310/8" and "JA722A Tokyo Tower. Good evening. No.1, taxi to holding point C5."

it seems that the NHK article quoted from the actual transcript handed out.

Update 4 January 2024: NHK reported the full text of the transcript.

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