Sunday, November 12, 2023

Komada: A Whisky Family (駒田蒸留所へようこそ)

Komada: A Whisky Family (駒田蒸留所へようこそ) opened in Japanese theatres on 10 November 2023, and I had really wanted to catch it on its opening day. But it was raining heavily and riding in the rain on my scooter was not something I wanted to try. So today, I made my way to the local cinema and caught the first show of the day.
This is an occupation-related anime movie by P.A. Works. The story is about a young online magazine writer Takahashi Kotaro who was told to write a column on Japanese craft whisky, and helping him in this column is Komada Rui, the young CEO of a whisky distillery called Komada Distillery. In 91 minutes, the movie manages to set the stage, introduce the back story of the distillery (and its CEO) through a recollection narrated by one of its employees, a disaster that challenged the protagonists, and a happy ending with some touching moments. As well as the meaning being the name KOMA (which is the whisky the CEO was trying to recreate).

If you like the voice actor Hayami Saori (who voices Yor in Spy x Family, for example), this is a movie for you. Behind the movie is a message that, in life, we may not end up doing the things that we want. Most of the time, circumstances cause us to end up making certain choices and doing certain things. But rather than dwell in unhappiness, we should try to look at them in a more positive light. The things that we do are not always for the present. Sometimes, we will only see the results several years (or more) later. Somewhere in this movie is also a desire for preserving tradition, of wanting to recreate a familiar taste from the past so that this tradition continues into the future.

The length of the movie was just about right to develop the main story, but I felt it could have given a bit more attention to some of the side characters, especially Rui's friend Tomoko. For an anime movie, some of the scenes could have been animated a bit more smoothly. Then again, this could actually be the normal standard for anime movies, and my sense of "normal" could have been warped by watching too many Kyoto Animation and Shinkai Makoto works. 😅

It did still make me a bit interested in Japanese craft whisky. And I am really curious how much whisky these whisky blenders actually have to drink as part of work. Even if it is a small sip each time, having to taste whisky from barrels and barrels... those sips add up.
BTW, Komada Distillery is modeled after a real one, Saburomaro Distillery 三郎丸蒸留所 (which belongs to a sake brewery called Wakatsuru Shuzo Co., Ltd.) in Tonami City, Toyama Prefecture. Saburomaru Distillery's name was even mentioned in the movie, and the distillery has put out a range of products based on the movie too.

In conclusion, this is one of those occupation-related anime for those who like this genre. At 91 minutes, it is not too long to be boring but long enough to help kill time. It also serves as an easy way to learn a bit about Japanese craft whisky (not a lot... enough to spark interest). And fans of Hayami Saori will probably be the ones who watch this movie more than once.

Official website (in Japanese)
Official website (in English)

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