Monday, October 09, 2023

Soft goat hair calligraphy brush

I found a used soft goat hair calligraphy brush being sold online and decided to buy it. It was bought by the seller more than 30 years ago. For those who think that such a brush is old... well, goat hair brushes that are properly cared for actually become better with age. And this is a rare soft goat hair brush. They don't come cheap so it was nice to be able to find an old, used brush for a good price.

The brush, when wet with ink, is really really soft. It really depends on the skill of the user to maintain the shape of the brush. I tried writing a few characters with the brush and I really love how it can be used to express different types of lines. Really, it tests the skill of the user!

I just hope I can become skilled enough to fully use this soft goat hair calligraphy brush!

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