Monday, August 28, 2023

Results of calligraphy grading (I passed!)

After months of preparing and finally submitting the requirements for calligraphy grading, the results are out.

I passed!

I am so grateful to my calligraphy teacher for her guidance over the many years, and her patience (I am not the exemplary student). It had been a long journey, one that started in 1999 (although I did try to pick up some Chinese calligraphy from my Chinese tutor back in secondary school). 24 years later, I have finally achieved the status of 師範, which allows me to teach. There are many others who have achieved this qualification in a much shorter time, but still, I take pride in finally passing the grading and keeping my promise to my teacher.

Of course, this is just another milestone along a lifelong journey. Back to practice!

Update 26 December 2023: The certificate arrived today. And the signboard, which I didn't expect...

The signboard is actually not small... 😅 It is a proper signboard that can be hung up by the door.

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