Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Watching Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves at a Dolby Cinema

A while ago, I watched Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves at the nearby theatre... without realising that I got a ticket for the Japanese dubbed version until the movie started screening. While I truly enjoyed the dubbed version, I really wanted to see how the original English version was like, so I went again to catch it in English this time.

And since I was going to watch it again, might as well catch the Dolby Cinema version. 😅

It has been a while since I actually bought popcorn for a movie, but why not?

I must say, I truly enjoyed the original English version too. And it was a bit easier for me, since the names were more familiar (I didn't need to try and figure out the English equivalent of katakana names) and the references to places, people, and spells came more naturally.

At the same time, I can't really compare the normal version with the Dolby Cinema version, since one was dubbed and the other was subbed. Still, I think the Dolby Cinema version was just that much slightly more vibrant in terms of colours, and impactful in terms of sound. The difference, however, is not really going to be that noticeable unless you intentionally set out to look for them.

By the way, there were many non-Japanese people at the cinema too. I guess this is because the English (aka subbed) version is not really showing at many places, and so those who are like me searching for the English version end up in the same place. A bunch of them gathered after the movie to talk in the lobby. They looked like a RPG gaming group to me. Those were the days...

A more detailed post about my thoughts of the movie is here.

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