I just watched Suzume yesterday, and didn't expect to be watching it again so soon.
But still, I went to catch Suzume for the seventh time today.
And ended up crying at the same scenes as yesterday.
Oh, one thing I had been wanting to write about is one of the very first scenes, when Suzume first went to the deserted hot spring town and found that initial door. That door was in the center of a run down building, and that place was actually slightly flooded. In fact, Suzume was seen to be hesitating for a couple of seconds before she stepped into the water to walk toward that door. Being set in September, while the weather might still be hot, it is kind of unthinkable for a girl to get her shoes wet, when she has to go to school, just to satisfy that curiosity.
Also, there were several times when Suzume ended up getting drenched during the movie. She must have a very strong constitution because she never caught a cold. đ
When the movie was over, I noticed these two at the lobby. I wonder what the QR codes are for...
I guess I have caught Suzume at least once each month since it first premiered in November last year. Maybe I should try to keep up this record... đ
Blog posts related to Suzume no Tojimari:
Director Shinkai Makoto in person at Dolby Cinema screening of Suzume no Tojimari
Final screening of Suzume in Japan with live broadcast of stage event
Suzume—Serizawa’s Story (unofficial translation of ĺ°čŞŹăăăăŽć¸çˇ ăžă~čšćž¤ăŽăăŽăăă~)Final screening of Suzume in Japan with live broadcast of stage event
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