Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Calligraphy pieces for 2023 so far

I just realised that I had not been sharing my calligraphy pieces recently. Like last year, I wrote something for the new year. This year, it is the Year of the Rabbit, so I thought about writing something related to the rabbit (兎), and wrote 勢如脱兎.

The 24 solar terms, or 二十四節気, is a traditional Chinese way of dividing the year and seasons. I thought it would be nice to use them as a way to practise, so I wrote the following.

On 4 February, it was 立春.

On 19 February, it was 雨水.

And on 6 March, it was 驚蟄.

It is really nice to have something throughout the year as themes for practice, so I hope to keep up this habit of using the 24 solar terms for the rest of the year, at least to complete the entire cycle.

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