Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Official piano score of "Though Seasons Change"

When it was announced that the hardcopy of the official score of "Though Seasons Change" is going to be available on-demand, I got myself a copy, and it recently arrived.

Updated 2 May 2023 with details on how to buy the hardcopy outside Japan.

It is basically the same as the electronic version, just printed and bound. The quality of the paper is good, with the hardcopy using glossy A4 paper. The cover (front and back) are printed in colour, and the pages inside in black and white.

Of course, with the electronic version, I could have just found a way to print it out on my own for a hardcopy, but I think paying 3,300 yen was worth it, since the printing is of a good quality and it came bound. I mean, if I did my own printing, it would be stapled together or using some other primitive method.

Now to learn how to play the piano... 😅

Those who wish to purchase a copy overseas can try buying from Buyee, which is the site that I got referred to when I click on "ship overseas" on the Japanese site. It says that Buyee is the official international shipping partner of honto.
First, go to the produce page on honto here.
Add to cart
Then, in this area here
click this link, which is about overseas shipping.

A bubble will appear at the bottom of the screen.
Click on add to cart

 This should bring you to Buyee, where you can complete the purchase.

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