Monday, July 18, 2022

Third anniversary of Kyoto Animation arson attack

Today is the third anniversary of the horrible arson attack at Kyoto Animation (KyoAni), which resulted in 36 fatalities and 32 injured.

At 10:30 Japan time, Kyoto Animation streamed a video in memory of the victims.

(Note: This video will only be available on July 18, 2022.)

I have translated the contents below since I don't want to reproduce the video here without permission.
<prior to video's premiere>
Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
Third Anniversary Memorial Ceremony
Streaming is scheduled to start at 10:30 on July 18
<start of video's premiere>
Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
Third Anniversary Memorial Ceremony
The video will start at 10:34. Please wait a while more.

<start of memorial video at 10:34 local time>
Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
Third Anniversary Memorial Ceremony

Today marks three years since July 18, 2019.
We are streaming this video for everyone who have been showing us your support.

We will now observe a minute of silence.

<Observe a minute of silence>
<End of a minute of silence>
Thank you

For three years, we continued to pray in hope of seeing you again. It was a blink of an eye, but it also felt like eternity.
In times when it felt like sadness will overcome us, we were supported and guided by the days spent with our comrades and our shared passion for animation.

We wish to express our deepest prayers for our beloved comrades.

For this memorial service on the third anniversary, we have received messages from family members as well as affiliates who create animation together with us. There are also messages received from our staff. Please allow us to introduce some of these messages without the names of their authors.
From a family member:
Greeting your picture with a smile and "Good morning!", placing the same food for you during meals, and going to bed at the end of the day after saying "Good night"... this has been our daily routine since three years ago.
At one time, you had hit a wall. "I want to further improve my skills! I'm going to start from what I can do." Just when you were walking toward a ray of hope, an unimaginable event, both for you and me, happened.

Three years have gone by... time has stopped for you. At times, my heart would be overwhelmed by thoughts of you and my eyes will overflow with tears. I want to see you! I want to hold you!

There seems to be no end to this sadness... it is really okay for me to try to get over this? As I think about you and cry when I want to, I imagine you creating animation with your comrades. I feel you are always beside me, watching over us.

Thank you to everyone who has been giving us your support.

From an affiliate:
I wish to express my deepest condolences.
Three years have passed since the event that cannot be put into words.
You continue to be with us, no matter how many days have gone by. 

Our work is an amazing work that allows us to create something treasured by somebody out there. Even today, the animation that you have meticulously created is bringing smiles to someone, touching their hearts, and pushing them forward.

This is the same for works that will be created. Bringing people together as they inspire each other to do better, these works that carry on your aspirations will likely also be something deeply treasured by somebody out there tomorrow.

Even today, everyone remains together as fellow comrades. There is nothing more heartening. Your aspirations light our path like bright, shining stars. And we will continue to walk right down this path.
From a staff:
You always gave me courage when I had problems.
Looking at you go about work without wavering has encouraged me so many times in the past.

Although a quiet person, when it comes to animation, you would talk passionately about the interesting points of a work or the kind of works you want to make. I was surprised by this gap, and the time spent talking with you was really interesting.

I am here today because of the days spent with you.

I will never forget you. I hope you will let me continue to consult you when I am troubled.

Please watch over us.

<end of messages>
We wish to express our deepest gratitude for your continued support.
We believe in the power of animation and will continue to create works together with everyone.
We look forward to your support.
July 18, 2022, Kyoto Animation
Kyoto Animation Co., Ltd.
Third Anniversary Memorial Ceremony
The video has ended.
Thank you.
<end of video> 

List of 36 victims who appeared in credit roll of Violet Evergarden the Movie
News article of memorial service:
Kyodo News video of the memorial service that took place at the site of Studio No. 1.

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