Friday, April 01, 2022

Watching "One Day, You Will Reach The Sea" (やがて海へと届く)

It has become more or less a habit to watch movies on the day they open in the cinemas. Today was no different as I went to watch a new movie starring Hamabe Minami called やがて海へと届く (Yagate Umi e to Todoku, One Day, You Will Reach The Sea). All I know is that Hamabe Minami plays someone who disappeared, so I thought it was a mystery or suspense movie.

The trailer.

Turned out a lot more heavy then it.

It was about losing someone close to the tsunami.

By the way, there is a part of the movie which is animated, the animation was done by WIT Studio. I must say the animation was done very well with an artistic touch that was really appropriate for the theme of this movie.

Still, for a 126 minutes movie, it was well past the first hour before it was mentioned that the character Hamabe played, Sumire, was lost during the tsunami. The movie is actually very slow because it tried to portray the emotions of those left behind as they have to deal with this loss.

If you want to understand what it probably feels like for those left behind, this is a good movie to watch. The animation by WIT Studio is also worth it. But if you are into something much faster, well, this movie is REALLY slow. There is no real plot, since it is just about how people go about their lives after losing someone, someone lost to the tsunami and never found.

Or you can watch it just because you like Hamabe Minami. 😅

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