Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Daiso A4 frames

After getting the Violet Evergarden A4 clear files, I saw some people on Twitter using frames bought from Daiso to frame them up.

100 yen for a frame, not bad.

The thing to watch out for is to get the right size. Daiso sells frames for various sizes, and even when it says A4, there are those frames for A4 exactly, and those for A4 clear files (which are slightly larger than the A4 paper they are supposed to hold). Be sure to get the one that says "Compatible with clear file" if you are going to use it for clear files and not an A4 paper/photo.

This series comes in four colours: wood, gray, black, and white. I had wanted to get the white ones too, but it was out of stock. Apparently, the black frames and the white frames are packed as one set; only when both black frames and white frames are low in stock will the system be triggered to order more. I guess I will need to go to another Daiso store to see if they have the white ones.

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