Friday, January 07, 2022

After the snow

It rarely snows in Yokohama, and not a lot when it does. So when it snowed like yesterday, it caused havoc in this region. Trains had to be rescheduled, flights were cancelled, and roads became blocked as vehicles slid and stopped due to icy road surfaces.

This was the amount of snow that accumulated on my balcony railing.

And Vivi was nicely covered in snow.

I forgot to bring a ruler along, but this is an idea of how much snow.

The top layer was still soft, but the bottom had turned to ice, compacted by the weight of the snow above. It was easy to brush of the softer top layer, but it took me a while to scrap away the bottom icy layer.
The hot water pipe was also frozen, so it took a while, leaving all hot water taps open, before water eventually started to flow. Brushing my teeth and washing my face in the morning with ice cold water is no joke.

By the evening, though, the roads in the neighbourhood were mostly free from snow/ice, although some of the smaller roads in shady areas still had a bit here and there.

The weather may turn colder still, so who knows, maybe it will snow again this winter season?

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