Monday, August 30, 2021

Using a Softbank mobile line with an unlocked phone

This is actually a note to self, since I use a Softbank mobile line, but I do not use phones purchased through Softbank. Instead, I prefer to get my own phones.

First, to use a Softbank mobile line with a phone that is not purchased through Softbank, you need to make sure you change your mobile line contract with Softbank to one that allows you to do so.

Then, after inserting the SIM card into the phone you want to use, you need to set the APN (access point name). You can get the settings here, or search for "Softbank APN".

The process entails going into the network settings of the phone, then adding a new APN with the APN, username, password, as well as the MMS settings (MMSC, MMS proxy, and MMS port). This will then allow you to access the Internet via the non-Softbank phone.

As to why I have this note to self... 😅 I spent about two hours outside today without Internet...

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