Monday, August 09, 2021

Kamado Tanjiro No Uta 竈門炭治郎のうた by Nakagawa Nami 中川奈美

This song was played during episode 19 of Demon Slayer (鬼滅の刃). Personally, I think it was this song that brought attention to this anime series and helped launched the series to its current height. A song that encapsulated the entire struggle of the protagonist. A person who lost so much and whose future looked so bleak. Fighting impossible battles. Searching for a solution that may not exist. Yet he kept on. No matter how much is lost, there is nothing else to do except to live on and keep moving forward.
When you think you have lost all hope... listen to this song.

This is a video of the live rendition by singer Nakagawa Nami.

The lyrics of the song (source:
目を閉じて 思い出す
過ぎ去りし あの頃の
戻れない 帰れない
広がった 深い闇

戻れない 帰れない
広がった 深い闇

泣きたくなるような 優しい音
前へ 前へ 進め 絶望断ち

失っても 失っても 生きていくしかない
どんなにうちのめされても 守るものがある

失っても 失っても 生きていくしかない
どんなにうちのめされても 守るものがある

我に課す 一択の
運命と 覚悟する

泥を舐め 足掻いても
目に見えぬ 細い糸

泣きたくなるような 優しい音
前へ 前へ 向かえ 絶望断ち

傷ついても 傷ついても 立ち上がるしかない
どんなにうちのめされても 守るものがある

And here is the song performed by two singers from the JMSDF's band.

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