Monday, June 21, 2021

Getting used to riding a scooter

10 days have gone by since I took delivery of my Honda Giorno. I haven't really been able to ride it everyday for practice due to the rainy season, which can pour buckets from the sky, but I have been doing my best.

After the fiasco of riding at night, I have practised in the same area during the day, making left and right turns.

Then, because I needed to pay a bill, I rode to the nearest convenience store and back. It was not very far, but I had to ride on a road with more traffic (still light) and it gave me a bit of confidence.

Next was to ride to the petrol kiosk, a bit further than the convenience store, but still light traffic. It gave me a chance to practise filling up the scooter too. On the way back from the petrol kiosk, I stopped by the supermarket and got some groceries. It also allowed me to gauge the carrying capacity of the scooter.

Oh, carrying capacity. I added a box to the back of the scooter. The underseat storage now holds a few simple tools, a raincoat, and is used to store the scooter cover (the scooter's "raincoat" during the rainy season, since it is parked outdoors). The rear box is used to store my helmet and gloves, and whatever groceries I may buy.

Then, earlier today, I rode the scooter to the post office because I needed to send my works for calligraphy grading. It was the furthest I have traveled on the scooter (2.7km away) and on much much bigger and busier roads. Some drivers were nice and followed behind me even though I was going at 30km/h (legal speed limit for 50cc scooter in Japan) on a 40km/h or 50km/h road. Some, though, whizzed by... but at least they were nice enough to give me some distance when they overtook me.

Next is to ride to the train station, once I figure out where to park the scooter around the station.

I took some videos, maybe I will upload them to YouTube like those motorcycle vlogs. 😅

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