Sunday, March 21, 2021

Age limit on kids in opposite-sex public baths

Just a short post after reading this article the other day.

In Japan, there are actually apartments without their own bathrooms or shower facilities. Many people with lower income stay in such apartments, and rely on public baths. And single mothers make up a significant proportion of people with lower income, because it is hard to work and take care of a child (or children) at the same time.

There is no straight answer to what should be the age limit on kids in opposite-sex public baths. But any rule will have bigger implications for society. I can imagine a mother not wanting her young son to have to go alone into a men's public bath. But it can also be awkward for elementary school students to bathe with classmates of the opposite sex, since kids living in the same area usually attend the same school and probably visit the same public bath.
Maybe the more important one is to stop treating bodies of the opposite sex as sexual objects, and take proper measures against those who prey on young children.

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