Monday, December 14, 2020

The dog stuffed toy in Violet Evergarden

In the Violet Evergarden TV series, Violet chose the dog stuffed toy because Diethard called her Gilbert's dog. The dog symbolises Violet, and you can see it in her room at the postal company.

I think its location represents Violet's home. Which is why you see it in her room. But you never see it in her travels. She does not carry it around with her. In the movie, it was facing the window, looking out of it. As if it was a real dog looking out of the window, watching to see if it can see its master coming home.

And that is why it is so symbolic that she brought the dog stuffed toy with her in the final cut after the credit roll of Violet Evergarden the Movie. Basically, it means she has moved in with Gilbert, and Gilbert's home is now hers too.

Someone make me this stuffed toy please. 😅

My review of the movie can be found here.

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