Friday, December 18, 2020

List of 36 victims of KyoAni fire listed in credit roll of Violet Evergarden the Movie

(Note: I originally listed the names here, but it did not seem fitting so I moved the names to this separate post.)
Last year, there was some controversy in Japan when the names of the deceased from the KyoAni were released to the media. It is a very personal thing, I admit, but I am also torn because I want their memories to be honored. I have added a list of names I found at the end of the post for those who want to know. For those who do not, stop scrolling down.
Kyoto Animation 
Below are the names of the deceased which were disclosed last year. They are not in any particular order (okay, they were in some order, first in the time of disclosure, followed by the places they live in, and then in Japanese name order, but I have removed the places of residence). Ages at time of passing away in brackets. There are only 35 names disclosed. The name of the 36th victim, who passed away in October 2019, was not disclosed to the media. All 36 victims were listed. As you can see, anyone who was not directly involved in the production of Violet Evergarden the Movie has been listed in the credit roll as part of the supporting staff. 😢

笠間結花さん (22): Supporting staff
木上益治(三好一郎)さん (61): Supporting staff
津田幸恵さん (41): 仕上
横田圭佑さん (34): 制作マネージャー
栗木亜美さん (30): 原画
宇田淳一さん (34): Supporting staff
大村勇貴さん (23): Supporting staff
武本康弘さん (47): Supporting staff
西屋太志さん (37): Supporting staff
渡辺美希子さん (35): 美術監督
石田奈央美さん (49): Supporting staff
兼尾結実さん (22): 制作マネージャー
川口聖矢さん (27): 原画
草野すみれさん (32): 原画
佐藤綾さん (43): Supporting staff
松浦香奈さん (24): Supporting staff (probably sister of supporting staff 松浦礼奈)
村山(中峰)ちとせさん (49): Supporting staff
森崎志保さん (27): 原画
佐藤宏太さん (28): 原画
武地美穂さん (25): 原画
藤田貴久さん (27): 制作チーフマネージャー
丸子達就さん (31): 作画監督
時盛友樺さん (22): Supporting staff
石田敦志さん (31): Supporting staff
岩崎菜美さん (31): Supporting staff
大當乃里衣さん (26): 仕上
鈴木沙奈さん (30): 原画
高橋博行さん (48): 小物設定、原画
寺脇(池田)晶子さん (44): 原画
松本康二朗さん (25): 制作マネージャー
宮地篤史さん (32): Supporting staff
大野萌さん (21): Supporting staff
西川(壬生)麻衣子さん (29): 原画
明見裕子さん (29): 作画監督
渡辺紗也加さん (27): 原画
浅野杏菜さん (24): 制作マネージャー
Related news and articles:

Update 18 July 2024: I updated the list with the name of the 36th victim. This list is complete now.

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