Thursday, November 05, 2020

Rewatching "14-sai no Haha" (14才の母)

 14-sai no Haha poster.jpg
(Source:, Link via Wikipedia)
Many years ago, I wrote this post after watching a few episodes of 14-sai no Haha (14才の母; 14-year-old Mother). Since then, I have watched the full series. And recently, I rewatched it again, and cried every episode. I don't remember crying so much when I watched the series back then (like, more than 10 years ago).

It is the same story, same acting, and I am the same person. Except that I have grown older by more than a decade, with a lot more life experience now. I think that makes me better able to empathise with the entire range of emotions being presented in the story, much better than back when I was still much younger. They say a person sheds tears more easily as he or she grows older. I guess that is true. Because I can now better understand what a person is going through. I can empathise, I can sympathise.

And I am no longer trying to suppress my own feelings, I am no longer trying to put up a false front. Maybe that is why too.

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