Sunday, November 22, 2020

More homemade Violet Evergarden bookmarks and book cover

There are official Violet Evergarden bookmarks and book cover on Kyoto Animation's online store. I even placed my order for them, but due to the flood of orders, it looks like it will be quite a while before they ship out my order.

Meanwhile, I made my own book cover and bookmarks.

And while waiting for the order to arrive, I decided to make more... 😅

The book cover, which is actually just a piece of A4 paper printed with some scenes and other visuals from Violet Evergarden.

This is how it looks when wrapped around a bunkobon. One of the books is a Violet Evergarden light novel, the other is a short story take was handed out when I watch Violet Evergarden the Movie.

These are the bookmarks, before being cut out from the A4 card.

And here they are, cut to size. I even punched a hole in one of them and tied a deep red ribbon to it (not shown here).

Actually, I faced an issue with printing. I created the templates using a JPEG file sized to A4 at 150 dpi. But whenever I printed the files, there was always a small margin. It turns out that in Linux, the CUPS printer driver has various paper settings, and selecting A4 paper size for me defaults to a hard-coded margin that cannot be removed. It may even scale the picture to fit within that border, resulting in inaccurate sizes after printing. But there is a "A4.borderless" papersize (I think it appeared after I installed gutenprint) which removes that border. I guess I will be more careful from now to make sure I don't waste paper. Especially if the picture size is critical.
My review of Violet Evergarden the Movie (2020) can be found here.

Update November 29, 2020: I used a piece of B5 laminating film to laminate six bookmarks, then cut them to size. Looks so much nicer now!

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