Sunday, November 08, 2020

Japanese keyboard and input on Raspberry Pi

This is just a quick note for myself on how to configure the Raspberry Pi for Japanese keyboard and input. It should work on Raspberry Pi OS (I am using TwisterOS, which is built on top of that) and other Linux distributions based on Debian.

For keyboard, the easiest is to run raspi-config using
sudo raspi-config
Then, under Localization options -> Keyboard -> Generic 105-key PC (int'l) -> Japanese -> No AltGr key -> No compose key -> Yes to Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to terminate X server

For Japanese input:
sudo apt install ibus-mozc
im-config -n ibus
Then reboot.
After rebooting, there should be an icon in the system tray for ibus, right click on that and select Preferences. Then go to the Input Method tab, and add a new input method "Japanese - Mozc". If it is already there, there is no need to do anything else.

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