Friday, October 23, 2020

Upgrading to Ubuntu 20.10 from the command line

Ubuntu 20.10 is out today. I run Ubuntu Core on my Raspberry Pi 4B (4GB RAM version) and I thought I would go ahead to upgrade it to 20.10, since 20.10 also seems to add in other support for RPI-EEPROM and allows USB boot. So I followed the guide here on how to upgrade to Ubuntu 20.10.

sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
sudo nano /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades
sudo do-release-upgrade -d
This will start the upgrade process. It will take some time, and there will be a few prompts along the way. The default options usually work, but for the option to restart services while upgrading, it is safe to select 'Yes' instead of the default 'No'.
Once the upgrade is done, reboot.
sudo reboot

Third-party repositories will be disabled, so you can reenable them by:
sudo sed -i '/deb/s/^#//g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list
sudo sed -i 's/focal/groovy/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list
sudo apt update
Some may not support 20.10, so you will need to temporarily disable them. For example, Jellyfin.
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.list
Then, add a '#' in front to disable it.
# deb [arch=arm64] groovy main # disabled on upgrade to groovy
This should allow sudo apt update to work. 

By the way, Ubuntu now supports USB boot via the EEPROM, and you can find instructions here (after upgrading to 20.10). I have not tried it yet since I do not need USB boot on my server yet.

Here's the result from neofetch after upgrading.

Hope this helps! Remember, upgrading a system always comes with risks, so do so at your own risk! I won't be responsible if anything fails. All I can do is share what worked for me.

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