Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Save an entire web page as single HTML file using Monolith

There are times when I find nice articles on the web and want to save them for viewing later. There are various tools to do so, one of which is Joplin, but recently, I came across Monolith.

What makes Monolith special is that everything needed to render a web page is embedded into the HTML file, allowing you to view the HTML file offline too. And it is easy to install using snap.

sudo snap install monolith
to install.

To use, the command follows something like
monolith http://website.com/webpage/page -o output.html
http://website.com/webpage/page is the webpage to save
output.html is the name of the HTML file you want to save it to.

The GitHub repository contains other information like how to build it and other options available when running it. Windows binaries are also available. Unfortunately, there is no GUI frontend available for Monolith right now, although it should not be too difficult to come up with something, just a frontend to run the monolith command.

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