Tuesday, October 20, 2020

New web UI for Marlin running on ESP32-based boards

There is a new web UI for Marlin being developed. While I have not tested it yet, it should run on the MRR ESPA and MRR ESPE boards.
Instead of being based on a third-party library like ESP3DLib (which allows Marlin to run the ESP3D webserver on ESP32-based boards), the web UI is part of Marlin source code itself. Marlin did have a simple web UI (more like a terminal window) and this new web UI makes it much more easier to use ESP32-based boards without having to rely on a third-party library.
The code is still under development so expect lots of issues. If you want something tried and tested, ESP3D is a tested web UI, and ESP3DLib has been tested quite extensively in the past year.

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