Wednesday, July 08, 2020

(maybe) Final thoughts on GE2020

It will soon be time to cast the votes for Singapore's General Election 2020.

My previous posts on GE2020:

My previous posts, though, do not mean that I will not vote at all for the opposition in GE2020. I will cast my vote based on what I think is best for Singapore in the short- and long-term. But I sincerely hope the opposition parties, no matter how GE2020 turns out, will not remain content with contesting less than half the seats. Having "a different voice" in Parliament can get old quickly; while voters recognise that Singapore's short history means the opposition parties do not have the time, talent, and experience to actually form a government and run Singapore, it should not be taken as approval for the opposition parties to remain in this state forever. There are ways to attract talent, there are ways to learn without having actual experience in ministerial posts.

I look forward to the day when political parties can offer true alternatives.

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