Saturday, June 06, 2020

U.S. criticized for its handling of protests

A bit late, but I read this a few days ago, and thought, "As expected." In addition to China and Russia, countries criticizing the U.S. include Turkey and Iran. These are not major powers, but they are willing to criticize the U.S. now. Is this is sign of eroding U.S. hegemony?

The U.S. used to be the global advocate for human rights. Its constitution granting equality to all men, the freedom of expression, its position as the land of freedom and dreams; these used to be symbols of the ideals that people should aim for.

Yet the U.S. continues to have a society that turns a blind eye on racism, income inequality, and the lack of access to basic needs such as healthcare for a significant portion of its population.

It is easy to criticize others to take attention away from oneself. But that is kicking the can down the road; it is still there, waiting to trip you in the future.

I only hope the U.S. finds a way to solve its problems. Show us all that it can be done, give us the hope that it is possible to achieve the ideals we hear being preached for decades.

Give us hope.

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