Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Quick thought about the legality of assassination

Quick thought.

The United States has been carrying out assassinations, such as that of Osama bin Laden. Many would say that these people deserved to die since they were the leaders who perpetrated plans that led to thousands of deaths.

But, aren't assassinations the same as execution without trial?

If we are to believe in the rule of law, and that every person is entitled to a fair trial, then any execution without a trial contradicts this core belief.

Are we idealists? Or should we be pragmatic, and leave ideals to talk while our actions prove otherwise? Should we live as hypocrites, knowing full well that when push comes to shove, we will turn a blind eye on our ideals?

I have been raised to walk the talk. I only hope that when the pressure comes on, I can live as I was taught.

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