Monday, April 06, 2020

Visual Studio Code does not support source control (git) with symbolic links

I was trying to set up Visual Studio Code on another computer (running Linux Mint), and kept running into the situation where changed files do not show that little tag in the workspace, and the editor was not showing where lines were changed.

I thought I had an issue with git and VS Code, so I reinstalled both. But that did not solve the problem. Spent a whole hour searching the Internet trying to hunt down a solution.

And came upon this.

Git: Symlink support

It seems VS Code does not support file watching when folders are added to the workspace using symbolic links. This is obviously a non-Windows problem since Windows doesn't really have the symbolic links that we see and love in Unix-based systems. But the issue was first raised in April 2016... and four years later, it still remains an issue.

And wasted one hour of my life. Plus put strain on my poor eyes... which are already strained from all that work staring at the PC.


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