Monday, March 02, 2020

Mini 3D printer for demonstrations

I have been searching for a small 3D printer as a platform for showcasing the MRR ESPx boards at local maker fairs and such. I was going to build one based on an open source design when I find something that I like.

Then, I happened upon this on Amazon.

It seems to be small enough to transport around, and since the control box is a separate part of the build, I can easily just house the MRR ESPx board in my own control box. The only thing is that it lacks a heated bed, but I guess I can live with using stick glue. If need be, I can always slap a small silicon heating pad under the bed, but I will then need to get a better power supply.

EasyThreed X1
(The one I found on Amazon is a local reseller.)

I guess the only way to find out if this is going to work is to actually get one and try. Wish me luck!

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