Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Chinese have discovered Marlin runs on ESP32

(Installing Marlin on ESP32 development board)

This is a step-by-step guide on how to compile Marlin and install it on a ESP32 development board, including enabling and loading the ESP3D webUI. The author even mentioned the MRR ESPA (which he used to figure out the pin assignment). It seems he could not figure out what the pins numbered above 100 were for in other boards, but it will be a matter of time before he figures it is for the I2S expansion.

I guess it is a matter of time before existing designs get cloned and we see a new wave of ESP32-based 3D printer control boards. I just hope they at least credit the designs they "referenced".

1 comment:

  1. Just saw a new board design posted on Facebook that seems to follow the MRR ESPA. I guess we will soon be seeing an influx of ESP32-based boards from China. I just hope they design their boards with the correct attention to issues like heating, because the basic design I saw seems to be using undersize bed MOSFET and bed connector, which is not an issue for low current operations, but may prove to be disastrous if running a heated bed at 12V (which draws quite a bit of current).
