Sunday, January 26, 2020

Useful links for setting up 3D printers

Setting Up a CoreXY Printer's Origin and EndStops

Just a blog post for my own reference. The above link helped me when setting up the endstops and motors for a coreXY printer (my modified FLSun Cube) and I always refer people to it when they have issues with endstops on their coreXY setups.

Don’t trust the internet (and how to add an Inductive Proximity Sensor to your 3D printer the proper and easiest way)

This post talks about the various ways of getting an inductive probe running on 6-36V to work on 5V logic using either a voltage divider or a diode. The principles work for 3.3V logic too, and the diode solution was adopted for the MRR ESPx boards.

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