Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Issue with SD file uploads and MONITOR_DRIVER_STATUS feature

It seems that the MONITOR_DRIVER_STATUS feature in Marlin (found in Configuration_adv.h, and used for monitoring Trinamic stepper drivers) will affect SD file uploads.

This is likely because the SD card shares the same SPI as the Trinamic TMC2130 stepper drivers which I am using. With this feature enabled, my SD file uploads kept having problems. The uploaded files were never the same size as the originals (although very small files uploaded without problems), and disabling this feature allowed me to upload files of up to 30MB at full SPI speed without any issue.

So I am posting this in case others are having the same issue.

I arrived at this solution because I noticed the following errors over serial terminal:
00:00: X driver overtemperature warning! (650mA)
00:00: Y driver overtemperature warning! (700mA)
echo:Upload failed

I have TMC2130 drivers in SPI mode for my X and Y axes, and the current setting for X at 650mA, and Y at 700mA. However, I was not running anything on my printer except trying to upload a file, so this overtemperature warning made me think it could be some issue with the sharing of the same SPI between TMC2130 and the SD card. A bit of searching around past Marlin issues didn't give the exact problem, but suggests that MONITOR_DRIVER_STATUS may be causing problems. When I disabled MONITOR_DRIVER_STATUS, the SD file upload issues went away.

Update (2020/1/20): Pull request Sanity check for TMC+SD shared SPI has been merged into bugfix-2.0.x. This sanity check throws an error if MONITOR_DRIVER_STATUS and SDSUPPORT are both enabled, telling the user that they cannot be enabled together.

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