Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Rant: SAO War of Underworld Ep. 10

Rant warning: This is a rant.

LiSA, the singer who sings the ending theme song "unlasting" for the anime Sword Art Online Alicization: War of Underworld, just appeared on TV and sang that same song. Which prompted me to write this.

The latest episode, Episode 10, aired last Saturday. The War of Underworld series started out... well... much less like a harem anime compared to past SAO seasons. But with Ep.10, the harem thingy is back. Sigh. Sigh!!! Argh!!

Synthesis Knight Alice was a cool figure, committed to her mission of protecting the human world. But this episode turned her into a jealous, spiteful young girl when Asuna appeared. Then, to make the whole episode a disaster, there was a scene where all (okay, not all... there are more to come) these "Kirito fans/lovers" turned up and all agreed to trade stories with each other about their Kirito.

OMG. 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦

I can understand people falling for Kirito. Nothing wrong with having crushes. I can understand Kirito having only eyes for Asuna. What I cannot understand is this "let's share" thingy. Like sharing a cake. There is no way this will ever happen in the real world. It is truly a teenager's fantasy in a dream world of the writer's own imagination totally removed from all reality.

Okay, rant complete.

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