Thursday, December 12, 2019

I2C OLED display on MRR ESPA running Marlin fork

I did a quick test today to see if Marlin's support for an I2C OLED display can work out of the box with the MRR ESPA.

So I hooked up a 0.96" I2C OLED display (VCC -> 3.3V; GND, SDA, SCL to respective pins on MRR ESPA), then edited Configuration.h to enable
#define U8GLIB_SSD1306

Hit compile, uploaded the firmware to the board, and yes! It works! This provides a simple status screen for the MRR ESPA; a web browser is still needed to access the web interface for full control. But at least you can see the position and temperature settings.

Some background. I knew that ESP3D supported OLED displays via I2C, and also knew that the ESP32 did not have enough pins to support a LCD controller like the RepRap full graphics smart controller. So the MRR ESPA was designed to have the I2C pins (SDA and SCL) unused so that they can eventually be used to connect some kind of controller over I2C. The next step is to see if we can find some form of I2C keypad that can be used with Marlin. Or an ADC keypad like the one used on older Anet printers. But the ADC keypad will need to be connected to an ADC pin on the ESP32, and the remaining breakout pin (IO0) is not a suitable candidate since its ADC is being used by WiFi.

MRR ESPA and MRR ESPE available here.
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