Thursday, November 28, 2019

Using AI to help in HR

Data-Based Engagement

How is this even a thing?

If your managers, the leaders at the workplace, do not know the people they are working with enough to understand their strengths, weaknesses, motivation, aspirations, and concerns, you don't need AI to help do this for them. You need better managers. Because if your managers are not able to fulfill these roles, they probably lack the leadership and management skills necessary to allow the people under them to fully apply their own capabilities.

AI is getting even more and more powerful as we continue research and development, but we need to guard against companies trying to jump on the AI bandwagon and selling AI as the wonder drug. Nope, AI is not that wonder drug, at least not yet. AI can help us in many aspects of work, but there are still certain aspects which must be covered by humans because of the simple fact that work is being done by humans.

When applying technology, we need to understand what that technology can and cannot do, how it works, what it was designed for. If we apply technology blindly, we will fail without knowing the reason for failure.

AI can help us, but only if we know what we are doing.

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