Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Competition, evolution, and survival

China-led Asian trade bloc pushes ahead as India drops out

We can all understand the fear that can be brought by a sudden influx of cheap Chinese goods. But is the fear of competition good for us in the long term?

Evolution is competition. Biologically, species survive because they are able to compete with other for limited resources. Humans are now the dominant species on Earth because we have evolved to be capable of winning the resource competition.

And national survival is at stake when it comes to economic competition.

Free trade exposes economies to competition. When goods and services can be easily brought in from another country, domestic companies are forced to compete in order to survive. This can be bad news for those companies forced to compete. But it is this competition that makes an economy stronger.

It forces companies to be come better if they want to survive. It is that evolutionary process, in another arena.

It is such competition that will bring the entire human species forward.

We all fear competition, because there is always the possibility of losing. But we must remember that it is such competition that forces us to keep improving, and it is this constant strive for improvement that will allow us to survive into the future.

TPP and RCEP will be the two major economic circles going forward. And China will be the most important player in both of them, given the absence of the U.S. As existing frameworks become weaker due to the increasing isolationism of the U.S., new frameworks driven by China will arise to take their places. For nations to survive, they will need to be able to adapt to changes in the global environment. For change is the only constant in life.

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