Monday, October 14, 2019

Should we be worried about AI?

I had shared some of my thoughts about AI, its development, and how we should use it.

Thoughts on "Should AI Research Try to Model the Human Brain?"
And if there are better models, what is the implication of their very existence? Does it mean the human brain can further evolve to that better model? Or does it mean that there may be a day when intelligent life based on this other model can appear?
Determining what AI will replace
And finally, my biggest fear: uncurbed, we will one day develop machines that are so intelligent, they no longer need human beings for their further development. They can develop themselves into even better and better versions able to do more and more things. Will we then find ourselves as second-class citizens of our own societies?

Recently, there is another article that came out about whether we should be worried about AI.

Many Experts Say We Shouldn’t Worry About Superintelligent AI. They’re Wrong

The article reflects my thoughts, and I shall leave readers to digest for themselves the arguments brought forth.

Just remember, any intelligence, organic or inorganic, is still intelligence as defined by our understanding. And when there are more than one intelligent species on Earth, we need to think about how we will go about sharing the limited resources on hand.

Machines that help us in our lives can help improve them. But machines capable of replacing us in certain fields... how do we make sure they do not replace us in other fields? How do we make sure they do not end up replacing us totally?

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