Sunday, October 20, 2019

No more Doral for G7?

Trump abandons plan to host 2020 G7 meeting at his Florida golf resort

Actually, it is not really surprising. Especially because the only way to prove that he is charging the U.S. government "at cost" is to disclose financial details regarding the resort. And when that happens...

1. If he has overstated the resort's expenditure in the past to pay lower taxes, the discrepancy between a lower cost now compared to previous years will show. Then he gets investigated for tax fraud.

2. If he shows high costs for the resort, then people will question why the high costs, and why cheaper alternatives are not chosen. He will then need to further disclose the selection process and convince people that the selection process is fair by all standards, which may be hard to do based on costs alone. It will eventually link back to allegations that his is profiteering from this, and he gets investigated anyway.

And of course, there is always the chance that he gets impeached before G7, and ends up having to host Pence (or worse, Pelosi!) at his resort... at no profits for him! That would be a double whammy.

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