Wednesday, October 30, 2019

MRR ESPA pre-launch version (3D printer board using ESP32 running Marlin 2.0) now available

Using mostly components available on hand, a limited number of the MRR ESPA is now available here. They give a new meaning to in-house production; I literally made them in the house after work. 😅

A recap: the MRR ESPA is a 3D printer control board based on the ESP32 microcontroller. It comes with WiFi, allows the use of up to 4 stepper drivers (and Trinamic SPI drivers can be easily configured using jumpers), and has a optocoupler for heated bed control, which means a separate power supply can be used for the heated bed. It is built especially for the Marlin firmware, and using a custom fork of Marlin 2.0, supports the ESP3D web interface allowing full control over any web browser.

The pre-launch version will ship with the custom fork of Marlin 2.0 and ESP3D web interface already flashed onto the board. The board will thus boot up as a WiFi access point "MARLIN_ESP" and default password of "12345678". The web interface (available at can then be used to set up the board to connect to your router. After which it will basically operate off your router, and can be updated via OTA with a copy of the firmware configured for your own needs.

Some social media pages for the MRR ESPA:
Facebook page
Facebook group (for discussions, etc.)
YouTube video

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