Friday, September 06, 2019

Progress on the MRR ESPA (v1.2)

MRR ESPA, the basic 3D printer control board based on the ESP32 microcontroller, is coming along nicely.

There is a jumper to select the gate voltage for the bed MOSFET, which is driven via an optocoupler. When using a 24V power supply, the gate voltage will be stepped down (because it can only handle up to 20V) using a voltage divider. However, when using a 12V power supply, the 12V will be directly used to drive the MOSFET's gate. Small effort to try and reduce heat generated within the MOSFET.

The board will also allow an easier way to use TMC2130 stepper drivers in SPI mode. Basically, there are jumper pins which just needs to be closed (shorted) to the SPI/TMC side

Once that has been done, just connect a jumper wire to the respective CS pin for the axis to a spare breakout pin.

This board, though, still has a few things that I need to work on. For one, I need to add a debouncing capacitor to the reset button. Else, sometimes, the X endstop (which has a trace running close to the trace for the EN pin) may trigger a reset. In my prototype, I ended up soldering a through-hole capacitor to the board, but the next version of the board will be updated with a 0805 footprint SMD capacitor.

There is also a jumper that prevents the board from being powered via USB.

BTW, the Marlin fork that I am using is by luc-github, and this is how the webUI looks like.

It is basically the same ESP3D webUI that he wrote, except that his Marlin fork allows the webUI to be served and interacted with natively instead of via a separate microcontroller.

Standby for the next update! 😉

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