Wednesday, May 01, 2019

What is a Skywalker?

I shared my views about what "The Rise of Skywalker" may mean. After watching this video, which has a largely similar idea, I think I have a clearer idea what "Skywalker" may mean.

I think it is widely known that the Star Wars series by George Lucas is very much about Anakin Skywalker. As Darth Vader in the original series, his path to Darth Vader as Anakin Skywalker in the prequels, and his legacy as carried on by his grandson, Kylo Ren, in the new sequels. A family of strong Force users.

But then comes in Rey, who has not been directly connected to Luke or Leia, yet is a Force user, and a strong one at that. And somehow, she is going to be connected to this "rise" of Skywalker.

Maybe, like Anakin, Rey was born from the Force. Episode 8, The Last Jedi, had scenes of young Force users too.

Maybe, just maybe, Skywalker is not a family, but rather, a term used to refer to those born from the Force, starting with Anakin, but subsequently Rey and others.

Which means that while the "Skywalker" family related by blood to Anakin Skywalker (Luke and Leia, and Kylo Ren) is a narrow branch, there is a wider "Skywalker" family comprising all those born from the Force, of which Rey may be one.

And the "rise of Skywalker" may be referring to the rise of those born from the Force. A new era. For good and for bad. Much like how the death of the God Emperor in Dune led to the Scattering and a new diversity in human civilization, maybe the passing of Luke has led to a new era of new Force users, born from the Force, that brings diversity to the Force-wielding galaxy.

What do you think?

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