Thursday, November 08, 2018

Trump's remarks to the press after the mid-term elections

Transcript: Remarks by President Trump in Press Conference After Midterm Elections

An 86 minute video of the press conference that President Trump gave after the mid-term elections. Quite a long one to sit through, but it is highly educational, in the insight you can gain into Trump's way of thinking and doing things, and what he stands for. Also entertaining in a sarcastic way.

Key takeaways:

  • He hates McCain. He still cannot get over it, even though the man is no longer in this world. He still has to bring up McCain opposing his "repeal without replace" bill.
  • He doesn't really like reporters. He doesn't like women. He doesn't like people who are not white. If you are an African American female reporter, you are better off asking questions to a wall. At least the wall won't interrupt you or demean you.
  • The art of the deal, to him, is about threats. It is my way or the high way. If you don't do what he wants, he will do bad things. He is like a combination of school bully and spoiled brat. Basically, "Give me that or I will punch you" with "Buy me that toy or I will pee on the floor." But it also means that the Democrats, world leaders, and companies who need to deal with him have a way to do so. Just deal with him like how you would handle a school bully who also happens to be a spoiled brat.
  • He is not about making America great. Because to him, it is more important to stop the Democrats from investigating him, to the extent he is willing for things to come to a standstill (which is definitely bad for the U.S.). So people can be without healthcare, the military can be without a budget, as long as the Democrats can be kept from investigating him.
  • He doesn't like to lose, and even if he lost, he doesn't like to admit it, and he doesn't appreciate it when people point it out. So for those who need him to get things done, find a way to save him face.
  • He doesn't like facts. Numbers do not matter to him. Perception does. So the press can call him out with the facts and figures, but it won't matter to him. They mean nothing to him. He will just spin his own story, no matter what the facts and figures are. So a tip to the media: when you play a clip of him spinning tales, put up the respective figures beside that clip so that people can hear him talk and see the actual figures at the same time. Side by side. Don't show the clip, then call him out. Side by side.
  • He talked about the Democrats wanting to impeach him, and then they won't stop, they will go after Pence. Personally, I think if anything, the Republicans should just backstab Trump by striking a deal with the Democrats to impeach Trump and make Pence, who is a strong conservative, the President. And unlike Trump, which probably has many skeletons in the closet, it is going to be much harder to find reasons to impeach Pence.
  • When things go wrong, it is never his fault. He will always find someone else to blame. So for those who work with him, or for him, always be ready for him to put the blame on you. Better yet, have a contingency plan on how to rectify the record when he does do so.

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