Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Empires may be made by conquerors, but dynasties last because of rulers

If the House is blue and the Senate is red, there will be a political standstill since, in the age of Trump, people have become politically extreme, and it is unlikely there will be any middle ground.

If the House and Senate are both red, there will be social unrest, since the majority is actually blue (as shown by Clinton's majority vote in 2016) and the policies will be contrary to what the majority agrees with.

Whatever the case, there is going to be quite some problems unless the U.S. can find some way to steer back from the current politically extreme path, away from dividing people toward uniting them. And with Trump in the seat, that is unlikely to happen, since his method is to divide and conquer. But conquer doesn't mean anything unless he can rule. Empires may be made by conquerors, but dynasties last because of rulers.

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