Friday, July 13, 2018

The exposure of the U.S.

My two-cents worth of thoughts...

I think with Trump being elected, and the on-going investigation on Trump's campaign, and the Republicans, being in power, doing what they are doing to "investigate the investigators," the facade that is the U.S. is being exposed for the world to see.

The U.S. used to stand for the rule of law. It used to be the champion for human rights, for democracy. It used to be the leader for free trade.

But all that is now the past.

Look at the "hearing" of Peter Strzok. It is not a hearing. It is a shouting match. It is personal attacks on a person instead of trying to uncover the truth. It is a humiliation to everything that the U.S. used to stand for. Decency has flown out of the window just so as to remain grasping onto power.

It shows that the U.S. of the past, the U.S. that we used to know, is no longer there.

It shows that the U.S. we had known in the past was but a show. People did not believe in what they were doing, but they were doing it because it was politically correct for what the U.S. is supposed to stand for. But with Trump, people are showing their true colors. Because he has shown that it is okay to show one's true colors and still be in power. Because there are many people out there in the U.S. who actually share those sentiments of racism, white supremacy, nationalism, unilateralism, of "might makes right." People can be themselves, and they are showing the world that the people of the U.S. are not the champions of democracy, rule of law, free trade, and human rights that we used to know them as. They were doing it, or bearing with it, because it seemed "right." And now, the wolves have thrown off their wool coats, because the shepherd has been replaced with a sheep killer.

It is an embarrassment. It is too indecent to watch. It is painful to see where the U.S. has fallen to.

It is the start of the decline.

When a great power declines (read The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon), there are certain patterns. We were lucky that the British Empire handed over its dominance to the United States in a more pacified manner. But will the United States follow that same pacifist approach in its decline? Or will it go down lashing out, thrashing out, at all those around it? If the hearing of Peter Strzok is any example, it shows that the U.S. is likely to do everything it can, even if those things are below human decency, below dignity, to remain in power.

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