Saturday, June 23, 2018

So which is it, Trump?

Donald Trump says North Korea still poses 'extraordinary threat' as he extends sanctions for a year
Huh? I thought Trump said North Korea is no longer a threat? I thought he said the summit was a huge success?

Trump Urges Republican Lawmakers to Drop Immigration Bill Until Election
Huh? I thought he wanted Congress to quickly work on passing immigration regulation so that families don't have to be separated? I thought he wanted Congress to work on closing American borders?

So which is it, Trump?
Is the North Korean threat gone, and your summit a success? Or was the summit a failure, and the threat still exists?
Do you want Congress to work on closing the borders, or are you telling them the borders (and solving illegal immigration) can wait?
You can't have it both ways. So which way do you want your cake?

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