Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Fight fire with fire

With this policy of taking children away from their parents, the administration has entered a new low. Using children to blackmail his political opponents into doing his will is just too low a blow.

But instead of staying on this one issue, I think the way to expose the orange pumpkin is to overwhelm him. His WH is understaffed. It cannot deal with a multitude of issues. When the media is playing catch-up, responding to his actions, the WH is setting the tempo. That has to stop.

The media needs to seize the initiative. They need to force him to play at their pace, not his.

Keep throwing issues at him. Keep making him come up with "solutions" to issues, whether they are real or random. "What are you going to do about trade with Cuba?" "What are you going to do to help the farmers in Texas?" "When are you going to come up with a replacement for Obamacare?" "What are you going to do about the work being outsourced to India?" "How are you going to improve the ratings of American universities which are starting to fall behind Chinese ones?" Interview every woman who alleges something about him. Run TV programs about his failed businesses. Ask him what he is going to do to ensure fair admissions into American universities.

An understaffed WH cannot deal with all these issues coherently. The more issues they are pressed with, the less time they have to think through each one. And the orange pumpkin, when pressed, will sprout off whatever comes into his brain at that time. And then he will keep to it, thinking it is a good idea (no matter how bad). That will generate real issues, which can then be used to further pressurize him. Make it a cycle of endless issues for the WH to deal with, and eventually, they will do something that his base cannot stand. Pressurize him until he does something that turns his own base against him. And then, he will be out.

Don't let him start the fires. Light the fires around him, and let him and his staff tire themselves into mistake putting those fires out. Don't let him write your TODO list; the media should be the ones filling his TODO list until it runs out of space.

The way to fight fire is with fire.

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